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  • 考试币:0个
  • 年份:2019年
  • 类型:模拟试题
  • 总分:100分
  • 总题数:4题
  • 作答:180分钟
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Section 1 English-Chinese Translation(Translate the following passage into Chinese.)

1.A recent study by Oxford University estimates that nearly half of all jobs in the US are at risk from automation and computers in the next 20 years. While advancing technologies have been endangering jobs since the start of the Industrial Revolution, this time it is not just manual posts: artificial intelligence — the so-called fourth industrial revolution — promises to change the shape of professional work as well. For instance, lawtech is already proving adept at sorting and analysing legal documents far faster and more cheaply than junior lawyers can. Similarly, routine tasks in accounting are succumbing to AI at the expense of more junior staff. This change is an opportunity to create new and better jobs. Paul Drechsler, who is president of the CBI employers' organisation, is enthusiastic about the future: t6The fourth industrial revolution is the best opportunity that this country has had for decades to leapfrog” in terms of productivity and competitiveness. But he cautions that “the change is happening must faster than the education system”. The next generation will need a new set of skills to survive, let alone thrive, in an AI world. Literacy, numeracy, science and languages are all important, but they share one thing in common: computers are going to be far better than humans at processing these forms of explicit knowledge. The risk is that the education system will be churning out humans who are no more than second-rate computers, so if the focus of education continues to be on transferring explicit knowledge across the generations, we will be in trouble. The AI challenge is not just about educating more AI and computer experts, although that is important. It is also about building skills that AI cannot emulate. These are essential human skills such as teamwork, leadership, listening, staying positive, dealing with people and managing crises and conflict. These are all forms of tacit knowledge, not explicit knowledge. They are know-how skills, not know- what skills. Know-what is easy to transmit across the generations, and is easy to measure. Know-how skills are hard both to transmit and to measure. The employability skills gap is already large, and AI will only make it larger. A McKinsey survey found that 40 per cent of employers cited lack of skills to explain entry- level vacancies in their companies. Sixty per cent said that even graduates were not ready for the world of work.


2.The coffee giant is facing uncomfortable questions in Los Angeles, after becoming a go-to spot for the city's homeless population of 44,000, NPR reports. That's because homeless people living in the city have turned to Starbucks as a place to sleep, use the bathroom, charge electronic devices, and use Wi-Fi because it is often the least expensive and most convenient option around. Three Starbucks locations in parts of Los Angeles with large homeless populations have recently closed their bathrooms to customers and non-customers alike in recent months. The company reports the closures are linked to safety concerns, but current and former Starbucks employees told NPR that homeless people's reliance on the bathrooms has been a struggle for the chain. How to best respond to homeless customers, who spend little and at times cause other customers to complain, has been an ongoing challenge for Starbucks. In 2007, a woman was thrown out of a Starbucks because management thought she was homeless. The chain has since tried to be more compassionate toward homeless customers, with the company^ legal team contributing to a handbook dedicated to informing homeless youth of their rights. Many Starbucks bathrooms, especially busy locations in cities, have solved the issue of homeless customers bathing in bathrooms by adding a lock on the bathroom door, making it only accessible for paying customers. Starbucks’ hours and free Wi-Fi have helped make it a haven for homeless customers. While the chain has long hours, many shelters close early in the morning. Libraries in Los Angeles, one of the few providers of free public internet access, have been forced to shorten hours due to budget cuts in recent years. However, an increasing number of entry-level job applications require online applications, making wireless access more important for poor and homeless customers than ever before. Free Wi-Fi has led to a number of unexpected consequences across the restaurant industry in recent years. In March,KFC and McDonald's in Stoke-on-Trent in the UK banned teenage customers after brawls between teens congregating at the fast-food locations to access free Wi-Fi. Starbucks was a leader in the movement to bring Wi-Fi to coffee and restaurant chains, debuting the service in 2002, when many people still relied on Ethernet cables at home to access the Internet. Wi-Fi played a key role in turning Starbucks into what the company calls a “third place,” where people can socialize, work, or relax outside of the home and office. Free Wi-Fi brings new customers to Starbucks, but also new complications. Fourteen years since the chain began rolling out wireless internet, it still seems impossible to have one without the other.

Section 2 Chinese-English Translation(Translate the following passage into English.)

1.中国的5G商业化己经进入倒计时阶段,最早将于今年年底发布认证,主要城市的主要领域将在2020年前实现5G技术的覆盖。北京市发展改革委员会主任谈绪祥在一场关于改善商业环境的新闻发布会上表示,到2020年,北京的主要地区将覆盖5G技术, 固定宽带网络,千兆LTE接入能力和宽带速率每年下降10%。 根据上海市关于在2018—2020年间推进新一代信息基础设施建设的规划,上海还计划在2020年底完成建设智能城市,包括移动通信和固定宽带网络,获得千兆接入能力并启动5G商业化。基于第六版本的因特网协议(IPv6)的网络、智能转换和新型工业互联网也将按计划在上海同时实现大规模部署。 电信资深人士项立刚表示,目前国内5G技术的研发、建设和大规模现场测试的进展表明,可以在2019年启动5G商业化试验,并在2020年实现5G完全商业化的目标。


2.亚洲是我们的共同家园。亚洲拥有全球60%以上的人口和30%以上的经济总量, 在世界经济普遍低迷的形势下,亚洲已成为当前世界经济发展高地,是世界上最具发 展潜力的地区之一。同时无须讳言,当前亚洲也面临经济下行压力较大、安全问题复 杂、非传统安全挑战增多等问题。东南亚朋友讲“水涨荷花高”,中国人讲“众人拾 柴火焰高”,都是说明一个道理:只有合作共贏才能办大事、办好事、办长久之事。 亚洲各国只有坚持合作共赢、共同发展,促进文明互鉴、民心相通,激发经济社会发 展活力,才能实现亚洲持久和平与繁荣。 新闻传播教育领域的合作是亚洲命运共同体建设的重要组成部分。中国希望加 强亚洲国家尤其是“一带一路”沿线国家之间的相互了解,愿与亚洲各国一道,在各个领域包括亚洲新闻传播教育方面携手共进、共谋发展。
