


来源 :华课网校 2023-10-01 22:33:06


1. In my opinion, ...

2. From my point of view, ...

3. As far as I'm concerned, ...

4. I believe that ...

5. I think that ...

6. I feel that ...

7. It seems to me that ...

8. To me, ...

9. Personally, ...

10. As for me, ...

11. On the one hand, ...

12. On the other hand, ...

13. However, ...

14. Nevertheless, ...

15. Despite this, ...

16. In spite of this, ...

17. Although, ...

18. Even though, ...

19. But, ...

20. Yet, ...

21. First of all, ...

22. Secondly, ...

23. Furthermore, ...

24. Moreover, ...

25. In addition, ...

26. Besides, ...

27. What's more, ...

28. Additionally, ...

29. Another reason is that ...

30. Additionally, ...

31. In conclusion, ...

32. To sum up, ...

33. It can be concluded that ...

34. All in all, ...

35. Taking everything into consideration, ...

36. In a nutshell, ...

37. Ultimately, ...

38. All things considered, ...

39. To summarize, ...

40. To conclude, ...

41. Let me give you an example, ...

42. For instance, ...

43. To illustrate, ...

44. As an illustration, ...

45. To give you an idea, ...

46. As a matter of fact, ...

47. Actually, ...

48. In fact, ...

49. Believe it or not, ...

50. To be honest, ...

51. I'm sorry, I don't understand, ...

52. Could you please repeat that, ...

53. I'm afraid I didn't catch that, ...

54. Could you speak up, please, ...

55. Would you mind speaking a bit slower, ...

56. Could you explain that again, ...

57. Sorry, what does that mean, ...

58. Excuse me, could you clarify, ...

59. Pardon me, I missed what you said, ...

60. I'm sorry, I'm not following, ...

61. I agree with you, ...

62. I see what you mean, ...

63. I understand your point of view, ...

64. That's a good point, ...

65. You have a valid argument, ...

66. I couldn't agree with you more, ...

67. You're absolutely right, ...

68. I totally agree with you, ...

69. You're spot on, ...

70. You're right on the money, ...

71. I disagree with you, ...

72. I'm afraid I can't agree with you, ...

73. I see things differently, ...

74. I have a different opinion, ...

75. I'm not sure I agree with you, ...

76. I'm of the opposite opinion, ...

77. I don't think that's correct, ...

78. I beg to differ, ...

79. I'm sorry, but I have to disagree, ...

80. I respect your opinion, but I disagree, ...

81. What's your opinion on this, ...

82. How do you feel about this, ...

83. What are your thoughts on this, ...

84. What do you think about this, ...

85. Do you agree or disagree, ...

86. What's your take on this, ...

87. How do you see this, ...

88. What's your perspective, ...

89. What's your viewpoint, ...

90. What's your stance on this, ...

91. I'm sorry, I can't remember, ...

92. I'm afraid I don't know the answer, ...

93. I'm not sure, ...

94. I'm not certain, ...

95. I'm not familiar with that, ...

96. That's a good question, let me think, ...

97. I'm not exactly sure, ...

98. I'm not entirely sure, ...

99. I'm not totally sure, ...

100. I don't have the answer at the moment, ...





