


来源 :华课网校 2024-06-19 13:10:15


1. 保持镇静,不要惊慌失措。

2. 迅速躲到桌子下或墙角,保护好头部和脖子。

3. 如果身处室外,远离高大建筑和电线杆等易倒物。

4. 不要乘电梯,迅速撤离楼层。

5. 在地震过后,不要轻易进入建筑物,以免发生余震。

6. 迅速关掉燃气和电源,防止发生火灾。

7. 如果被困在建筑物内,保持镇静,用手机或其他工具向外界发出求救信号。

8. 在无法获救的情况下,保持体力和精神状态,等待救援。

9. 在地震过后,注意饮用干净的水和食品,防止因饮食不当引起的疾病。

10. 经常参加地震应急演练,提高自救能力和应对能力。

Earthquakes are a natural disaster that poses a huge threat to people's lives and property. During an earthquake, we should know how to save ourselves. Here are ten tips for earthquake self-rescue:

1. Stay calm and don't panic.

2. Quickly hide under a table or in a corner, protecting your head and neck.

3. If you are outdoors, stay away from tall buildings and utility poles.

4. Do not take the elevator, evacuate the floor quickly.

5. After the earthquake, do not enter the building easily to avoid aftershocks.

6. Quickly turn off the gas and power to prevent fires.

7. If trapped in a building, stay calm and use your phone or other tools to signal for help.

8. If you cannot be rescued, conserve your energy and mental state, wait for rescue.

9. After the earthquake, pay attention to drinking clean water and eating food, to avoid illness caused by improper eating.

10. Participate in earthquake emergency drills regularly to improve your self-rescue and response capabilities.




