


来源 :华课网校 2024-08-08 01:52:29


1. Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.(我从未见过如此美丽的日落。)

2. In no way did she expect to win the competition.(她完全没有期望赢得比赛。)

3. Not only did he forget his homework, but he also lost his textbook.(他不仅忘了作业,还丢了课本。)

4. Rarely do I have time to relax.(我很少有时间放松。)

5. Little did she know that her life was about to change forever.(她并不知道她的生活即将永远改变。)

6. Not until midnight did he finish his work.(直到午夜他才完成了他的工作。)

7. Seldom have I seen a more beautiful garden.(我很少看到比这更美丽的花园。)

8. Never before have I tasted such delicious food.(我从未尝过如此美味的食物。)

9. Only when you take action can you achieve your goals.(只有当你行动起来,才能实现你的目标。)

10. Hardly had I sat down when the phone rang.(我刚坐下电话就响了。)

11. Under no circumstances should you give up.(在任何情况下都不应该放弃。)

12. Not once did he complain about the hard work.(他从未抱怨过艰苦的工作。)

13. Nowhere else have I seen such a beautiful beach.(我从未见过如此美丽的海滩。)

14. Only by working hard can you achieve success.(只有通过努力工作,才能取得成功。)

15. Never in my life have I felt so happy.(我一生中从未感到如此幸福。)

16. Only after you have finished your homework can you watch TV.(只有在你完成作业后才能看电视。)

17. Not until she had left did I realize how much I missed her.(直到她离开了,我才意识到我有多想念她。)

18. Rarely have I seen a movie as good as this one.(我很少看到像这样好的电影。)

19. Only when you face your fears can you overcome them.(只有当你面对恐惧时,才能克服它们。)

20. Hardly had I finished my breakfast when my friend arrived.(我刚吃完早餐,我的朋友就到了。)





