服务时间  08:30 - 21:30
  • 年份:2018年
  • 类型:历年真题
  • 总分:150分
  • 总题数:56题
  • 作答:90分钟
第一题 语音知识(共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分。)

1.下面划线部分th读音不同的选项是( )






2.下面划线部分ear读音不同的选项是( )





第二题 词汇与语法知识 (共15小题;每题1.5分,共22.5分。从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。)

1.-Was the gentlemans name David? -No. I don"t think so, but______,go on,please.

A.many thanks

B.I" d like to

C.not at all

D.never mind


2.Our manager is not in right now. Can I______a message?





第三题 完型填空(共15小题;每题2分,共30分。通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后,从每小题的四个选择项中选出最佳选项。 )

1.In the past, I always thought that being a teacher was an easy job. But I changed my 21 when I became a part-time teacher. About four years ago, Richard asked me 22 I could help teach his students how to make a website about themselves. I 23 because computer is what I do well and I didn 't think teaching computer would be that 24 . But when I taught Richard's class, some of the students 25 with their friends while I was explaining how to do something. At first I just got angry with them, 26 Richard taught me to think why they were doing this. He said that if he was 27 a lesson and the students were not listening, then he was angry with 28 for not making the lesson clear or interesting for them. I told him that I didn't 29 his idea. He then asked me if I had ever 30 the same thing. That made me stop. Of course I had! If any of my past teachers are 31 this, I want to say sorry if I sometimes played around in the class 32 you were teaching. I didnt think how that would make you feel. I promise I will do my best to be a good 33 in the future. Please help us when we don't understand and most 34 , don't be quick to be angry when we fail. 35 of us are perfect but with your help we can be successful.

第四题 阅读理解 (共15小题;每题3分,共45分。阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从每小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。)

1.When I was at school, our teacher told the class"You are what you eat. "My friends and Iwould laugh and call each other“ hamburger”(汉堡)and“ biscuits”. Our teacher was trying to show us the importance of eating the right food to stay healthy. This was 30 years ago when there were big movements to make British people healthier. We started to eat boiled potatoes instead of French fries and drink fat-free milk instead of whole milk. At first I felt my potatoes had no taste at all. But after a while I started to prefer healthier food because I felt stronger and I didnt get sick so often. So we agree that you become what you eat. Do you know what your friends eat just by looking at them? When you know the effects of different types of food, you can use your knowledge well and eat what you want to become. Food has been so important to our health. Everyone has their own advice to give, which they have read about or have been told by older people. However, some of these pieces of advice seem to disagree with each other. For example, some say "Eating chocolate makes you fat, "while others say "Chocolate contains the important minerals(矿物质) like iron and magnesium(镁)." In fact,what we need to find out is what type of chocolate to eat and how much of it to eat.


2.Nancy wanted to make good use of her spare time. So she decided to work for the underdog. For the past several years, she has been putting her experience and energy to help a disadvantaged (条件差的) high school student. Nancy knew that her knowledge would be best shared in a one-to-one situation. She found her perfect match in Operation Jump Start(OJS). OJS was founded in 1994 in Long Beach, California, with the goal of helping students reach for higher education. It pairs students with experienced volunteers(志愿者), and provides them with workshops on writing, leadership development, and guided tours of vanous colleges. Since its start, OJS has helped 80 students graduate from high school, with 95 percent moving on to higher education. Nancy and the girl, Yanira, spent most of their time on school work. Together the two often went to museums, zoos, the movies, and concerts; they even sang in the school holiday show together! “I know I’ m not like anyone else in Yanira' s life," Nancy says,“lt’ s been great to get to know her and to watch her change, grow, and learn.” Much to Nancys excitement, Yanira plans to attend John Jay College in New York City, where Nancys father taught for his whole life. "These days I share her dream, and if she gets accepted I hope to travel to New York with her and show her around." Nancy says.

第五题 补全对话(共5句;每句满分为3分,共15分。根据中文提示,将对话中缺少的内容写在线上。这些句子必须符合英语表达习惯。打句号的地方,用陈述句;打问号的地方,用疑问句。)

1.提示:B到商店买L号的黄衬衫,得知该颜色衬衫已售完,想看看蓝的。售货员说蓝色今年很流行,他试穿后决定买下。 ( Bill =B; Shopping Assistant =A) A: Can I help you, sir? B: Yes. I’m looking for a yellow shirt. A: 51 ? B: Size L. A: Sorry. The yellow ones of your size 52 . B: It’s a pity. Do you have that size in blue then? A: Yes. Blue is 53 this year. B: Well 54 ? A: Sure. Look! It fits you well. B. Yes, it does. 55 ? A: 150 yuan. B:OK.I’ lI take it.

第六题 书面表达 (满分30分)

1.假设你是李华,你的笔友Tom想知道中国学生怎样过暑假。你写信告知你的暑期计划并询问他的安排。你的计划是: 1.与父母外出旅行; 2.看车展; 3.读一本英文小说( novel)。 注意:词数应为100左右 生词:June 1 st Dear Tom, Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua
